.Game Review

[Game]: Ice Cream Factory
Click for Screenshot

Adee is a cute, yellow chia who happens to be inside an ice cream factory. How exactly did she end up there? Well, you can read my theory after this. Back to the point; you know, the technical junk. You try to get Adee through this Ice Cream factory. Which would be easy if it weren't for those ice cream cone cannons they have trying to splat you against the wall. If you clicked the screenshot, you can get the basic bicture of what's going on. Oddly colored scoops of ice cream flying at Adee. You can move Adee with your mouse but be careful not to get hit by any incoming scoops. However, certain special scoops can help you make it through the level (or hinder you).

Grade: B
My Score: 2740 Points/Grand Master
Difficulty: 3/10

[Play]: Ice Cream Factory is a fun and relatively easy game. I like the way you use the mouse to move Adee instead of the arrows because one of my peeves about games is when you click something and then have to leave the cursor right in the middle of the screen. It's really easy NOT to get hit until you reach the higher levels. When the game actually starts to become more challenging those slow/fast ice cream scoops become useful. However, the game can go on forever and I get so tired of it I eventually die just because I don't want to play anymore.

[Repeat]: You can play this game three times. I barely ever max out my play time on this game. It's fun and easy but it takes a really long time to make any points worthwhile (e.g. 3000 equals 1000).

[Earn Factor]: Not good. As I've repeatedly said it's fun, easy but not worth it. I sat their for 20 minutes playing one game and made a little less than 1000 neopoints. I'd spend my time doing something with a higher give-out if I'm are looking for earning neopoints.

These are not necessary for you to read. These are my musings and probably have nothing to do with the real story.

How Adee landed in her little dairy adventure: To my mind's eye, Chias are round and chubby. So Chias probably love sweets and calories. Right? Well, one chubby little Chia (none other than Adee) isn't doing so well with her neopoint earning (who can blame her?) and can barely afford to buy the sweets that she loves so well. She decides to see if she can get a little free ice cream. Just a pinch. Well, whaddaya know, as soon as she walks in there *BAM* Instant door lockdown and those nasty ice cream cannons are activated. Luckily for Adee the roof has a laddar going all the way down. Convenient? Not really. None of the floors seem to have windows. So she keeps on going and going and going like some Chia energizer bunny, making her way to the top. Good thing she is a Chia for you see, Chias work at the Factory. All of them - Chias! Except for the Aisha that owned the factory. Just in case the factory was invaded and the cannons were activated the mechanics decided to put random power-up scoops amoung the the rest of the ice cream artillery. These scoops were meant for the Chias of the factory to use so that they could make it to the top. All the factory workers were trained in ICSA; Ice Cream Scoop Avoidance. So let's hope Adee can measure up to their standards.

Why Ice Cream Cannons?
It's my opinion that when the factory has left-over ice cream they make huge scoops out of them for their cone cannons. I suppose the company couldn't afford regular cannons so they might as well make use of what they have. Though...I'd probably sneak in there too. If I had the choice of running around avoiding huge balls of ice cream and getting smacked with one, I'd choose the latter. At least I get free ice cream!

[Game Tips]:

Game Tip #1: Memorize the power-up scoops! Click Here to see the help shot. If you are the type of person who can't remember images as well as if I had described how they looked here is my interpretation:

  1. The gold scoop with small nuts (brown spots[?]) gives you enough points to get though the level.
  2. The purple jelly-like scoop with yellow highlights containing a small chia in the center shrinks Adee.
  3. The blue and red jelly-like scoops with a big chia inside makes Adee grow bigger.
  4. The scoop with the heart in it gives Adee another life. (Colored purple, red and white with red spots)
  5. The blue scoop with a minus[-] sign will slow down the incoming scoops.
  6. The cyan scoop with yellow highlights and contains a plus[+] sign makes the scoops go faster.

Game Tip #2: In the beginning of the game I make the scoops go as fast as I can. This way I can get to the higher levels ask quickly as possible. Then, when the scoops are fast enough to pose a problem, slow them down.

Game Tip #3: I never get the make-Adee-bigger one because it just maximizes the target for those cannons.

Game Tip #4: Always go for those extra lives. This way when you actually start to LOSE lives you have at least 5 by the time the levels start to get really hard.

Game Tip #5: Try to go for the make-Adee-shrink scoops because they minimize the target. However, if it looks to risky - don't. You only stay small for that level and when you move up through the levels so quickly there isn't much advantage to them.

Game Tip #6: When you have to go through the warehouse look for the easiest way through, don't just blindly rush in because you will get stuck. Then you have to give up one of your lives to get through.
